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Boneseeker by Brynn Chapman | Book Review

Boneseeker - Brynn Chapman

 Young Adult Historical

 Month9Books, LLC


 ebook ARC | free in exchange for an honest review

 Night Owl Review

Posted on my blog I Heart Romance.


Boneseeker by Brynn Chapman is a Young Adult retelling of Sherlock Holmes which centers around his daughter, Arabella Holmes and Dr. Watson's son, Henry Watson.  Arabella and Henry have grown up together and are best friends, at least until they kissed each other.  Both didn't see each other for a number of years owing to the fact that they had to go to school - Henry to Paris and Bella to some finishing school.


Boneseeker is thoroughly entertaining and it feels Gothic-like but full of adventure.  It is written in first person by each character alternating every few chapters.  I love this twist in the first person character because it gives me a glimpse of each character's thoughts.  I also love that we get to see glimpses of Sherlock and Watson throughout the book even though they are not the main characters.


The only downside to this book is the mystery.  I felt that there was more relationship building between Henry and Arabella that the mystery kind of took a backseat.  Unfortunately, I would have wanted the author to focus more on the mystery, with the romance in the background.


Boneseeker is a fast paced, romance, adventure story perfect for reading in one sitting.  I hope the author plans to write sequels because I really want to read more about Arabella and Henry!


Read the full review on Night Owl Reviews.


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